Our Projects

With a proven track record of delivering over 600 projects, we demonstrate our commitment to providing tailored, high-quality solutions for a variety of businesses. Discover the full extent of our capabilities and witness how we transform ideas into innovative realities.


benjamin’s pharmacy & surgical

E-Commerce with WIC and SNAP EBT payments option


The client contacted us with an idea to create an e-commerce store for immediate everyday needs that delivers grocery, home, baby & pet essentials, EBT and WIC-eligible products, and OTC medications that are easy and affordable for everyone. The client chose the GG HIVE team to design and develop the app from scratch.


Business analysis, Project documentation, Technology consulting, Project management, MVP building, UI/UX design, Web development, SNAP EBT integration


Node.js, React, Next.js, AWS, CI/CD


To provide a solid base for development, our product manager and design team created separate wireframes for the platform and the website. Each wireframe has more than 30 screens. Afterward, the development team and the client groomed and finalized the UI mockups. Based on this, we developed a custom software system with comprehensive commercial and user interaction functionality at its core. We seamlessly connected all key elements: the primary online shop with client and admin e-commerce tools, an order management system, and a payment solution. Real-time tracking of orders, product updates, and order history allows for valuable reports and statistics. Company employees and customers got separate interfaces with functionality and monitoring features. The product is still in the development phase.


grocery vip

Pilot project for SNAP EBT online payment integration


The client wanted to upgrade a mobile app and dashboard to develop eCommerce using Behavioral Design for Health principles. The app supported pilot projects involving Health Clinics to provide healthy food to low-income communities. The project’s scope also required us to integrate the new USDA’s SNAP EBT Pilot program into the payment system for their site and app.


Business analysis, Project documentation, Technology consulting, Project management, MVP building, UI/UX design, Web development, Mobile development, SNAP EBT integration


Node.js, React, React Native, Next.js, AWS, CI/CD


GG HIVE went through the step-by-step process of SNAP EBT Online Pilot implementation. We created a custom payment system supported by the Cardknox payment gateway, which provided a secure and seamless customer experience. We developed an app based on Behavioral Design principles through our partnership with Irrational Labs. By becoming certified in Behavioral Design for Health, we were able to bring this valuable expertise into the client’s product development process.



Enhancing Logistics Operations Through Streamlined Scheduling


Logitize emerged as a robust logistics software solution engineered to streamline scheduling and enhance operational efficiency. Our client wanted a cost-effective system that prioritized transparency and user-friendliness. With this vision in mind, GG HIVE was entrusted to refine the existing system and introduce innovative functionalities.


Business analysis, Project documentation, Technology consulting, UX/UI design, Project management, Android app development, Testing, project launch, and training of all users.


NodeJS, MeteorJS, ReactJS, General Javascript, NextJS, NestJS, MongoDB, MySQL, CSS, Less, SCSS, Bootstrap, Ant Design, GIT, Docker, Python, OR-tools, and Fast API.


Logitize seamlessly connects all stakeholders within the logistics chain – customers, dispatchers, drivers, and goods – fostering direct interaction. This orchestrated collaboration optimizes overall efficiency and elevates the quality of logistics operations. Our comprehensive system overhaul ensures improved scheduling, real-time monitoring, and enhanced user experience, aligning perfectly with our client’s vision for a transparent, cost-effective logistics solution.



Streamlining Printing Business Operations


Biografika sought an integrated solution encompassing sales and production facets. This initiative aimed to offer comprehensive oversight of products from creation to client delivery. The client chose GG HIVE to drive this project, aligning with Biografika’s vision.


Business analysis, Project documentation, Technology consulting, UX/UI design, Project management, Testing, project launch, and training of all users.


React, Node, and MongoDB.


Our primary focus centered on modernizing printing businesses, optimizing operations, and enhancing overall efficiency. The project aimed for complete control over production, sales processes, and warehouse conditions.

Our team designed a system integrating sales and production aspects, ensuring end-to-end visibility and management. The solution provided comprehensive oversight, from the creation of the products to their delivery. We established a user-friendly interface that streamlined processes, facilitated inventory management, and improved sales monitoring.

The Biografika project remains an ongoing success story, empowering the companies with enhanced operational efficiency and control over their printing business.


8. mart

Modernizing Operations in Women’s Socks Factory


The client chose GG HIVE to modernize an established women’s socks factory dedicated to serving the discerning German market. The primary goal was a complete modernization of the factory’s operations across its five distinct phases.


Business analysis, Project documentation, Technology consulting, UX/UI design, Project management, Testing, project launch, and training of all users.


React, Node.js, and MongoDB.


Recognizing the multifaceted nature of the factory’s operations spread across five distinct phases, our team devised a meticulous blueprint. This blueprint, conceived over two months, served as the guiding roadmap throughout the initiative.

The transition from manual processes to digitized operations has unfolded in completed phases throughout the nine months of ongoing progress. This transition has already showcased enhanced precision and elevated efficiency. Although the project’s full realization will span over two years, the transformational shift is evident.

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