Nikola Cvetkovic

Chief Executive Officer

Nikola Cvetkovic



Nikola Cvetkovic is a San Franciscan entrepreneur and CEO of GG HIVE, LLC. His IT project manager skills extend to ample experience in operations management and business development. With great attention to detail and strong interpersonal skills, he brings pragmatic views from working with various types of business models.

Before co-founding, Nikola was involved in profit and non-profit-hybrid startups explored strategic partnerships with government entities and started a couple of his businesses. His passions are startups and entrepreneurship; while currently building a software development/consulting business.

Nikola’s personal goal is to benefit communities and help the underserved through his work via GG HIVE by assisting independent grocers to connect with SNAP low-income recipients through online e-commerce; and previously through founding CUSE, LLC to provide car-sharing at low cost. He began these projects in San Francisco after completing business education at Golden Gate University. In addition to living in San Francisco, Nikola has lived in several locations worldwide including; Las Vegas, Tennessee, Germany, Mexico, and Serbia – resulting in his broad cultural understanding and multilingualism.

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